Total Supply: 100,000,000 tokens
Initial Liquidity: 2 ETH
Tax Structure
A 5% tax is applied to all buy and sell transactions. The tax is distributed as follows:
1% for Marketing: Funding marketing initiatives to increase platform visibility and adoption.
3% for Development: Allocated towards ongoing platform development and enhancements.
1% for Buybacks: Reserved for periodic buybacks of the Aimee token to maintain price stability
Transfer Fee: Set to 0
Token Allocation
The distribution of tokens is as follows:
Staking Rewards: 10% of the total token supply is allocated for staking rewards, incentivizing user participation and engagement.
Aimee Ecosystem: 10% of the total token supply is dedicated to building and nurturing the Aimee ecosystem, including partnerships and product development.
Paired to Liquidity: 80% of the total token supply is paired to liquidity pools, ensuring sufficient liquidity for trading activities and price stability.
Last updated